Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Geoff Gough

Eh . . . it was okay.


Anonymous said...

Wow, the first was bound to happen eventually. Definitely need some more details!!

Anna said...

your jackets are amazing.

Arin and Troy said...

Ok, he is wearing a John Stockton jersey. He officially sealed the deal for me! hahahaha

Park Family said...

Personally, I think he looks as smooth as silk. One righteous brother! That dudes cracka lackin.

Renee said...

One of two things - he convinced you to write this, or he's a major jerk. I'm going with the first!

Ryan and Amy Harvey said...

What? You look like you are having a great time...

Aimee said...

I am good friend of Geoff's and it's totally not fair that he made you type that. We NEED details! I'm gonna give him a hard time when I see him. Ugh!

Jaime Van Hoose Steele said...

Hahahahahaha!! That's what he gets for punking you!