Thursday, March 31, 2011


There are quite a few people I would like to thank:

The Guys!

Thank you so much for doing this project with me.

I had a blast because of each and every one of you.

Family & Friends!

Support like you wouldn't believe, from these folks!


Thank you for sacrificing your own time to come along on all five of my second dates. Your videos and pictures are fantastic!


Photographer Extraordinaire!

I'm not big into photoshoots, but when I did my 30 In 30 Photoshoot with Trissy, it was so easy and actually a lot of fun.

Look her up!

and last but not least

the inspiration for this project

Tamara Duricka Johnson

Thank you!!!

Her book is coming out in October. Read it!


Jaime Van Hoose Steele said...

You're welcome pal! It was fun to see some of the dates in action!! I really hope more dates are to come with some of these great guys.

Amy said...

I'm so proud of you for doing what is best for you. Their were so many wonderful guys to choose from and I know you connected strongly with a few of them. I hope they are ready to step up to the plate and ask you out on more dates. Of course I am still silently voting for my favorites!!!

Tamara said...

hey cutie pie! so happy that you made this into something great that works for YOU! sounds like you gained a lot of insight from this experience. when you get a chance, shoot me an email. :)